Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I'm beginning to wonder about myself and my habits; It's starting to
bother me that I haven't done anything recently that I can think of to
write about. We even skipped our usual Sunday walk last Sunday, so I
can't even write about that. Well, I suppose there are two things:

Joe took me out to lunch at a rather unique location downtown. It was
a Subway sandwich shop that was... How do I describe it...? It was two
stories with a kind of loft-style dining area with walls of glass that
looked over the passing cars. The cars were passing between the Subway
store and an adjacent parking garage, but there was also a big
building that stretched across the Subway, the road, and the parking
garage, making the road like an underpass. Joe would, however, have me
mention the romantic lighting. *smiles* It was fun experiencing an
unknown nook of downtown.

Secondly, there's an article in the current (July 2010) Ensign about
some members in my home ward and stake. It's titled "A Tale of Three

In particular, Peter and Geni Barr are close friends of our family.
Geni was one of my YW presidents.. Peter recently rode his bike with
my brothers in the final leg of their cross-country bike ride and he
wrote an awesome poem about the experience. Their son, Matt was the
seminary teacher who issued the challenge to read the Book of Mormon
every day for 100 days. By day 99 I had received a very clear wittness
that it was true.

I'm really grateful for such good people in my life, and the Barrs
definitely rank near the top of my list. I'm especially grateful to
them for the friendship they've shown my parents through thick and
thin over the years.

Terri Little was also my stake YW president, and I was sad to hear of
her recent passing. I don't personally know the Lenehans, but I know
they've been a help to my parents in recent times too.

Reading that article made me want to do better and be better.

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