Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Update on Miriam at 8 Months

While on a Sunday afternoon walk at Trinity Park here in Fort Worth,
we were passing by some trees near the duck pond when the following
uncanny event occurred:

Joe: There's a rabbit.
Louise: What? A real rabbit?
Joe: Yep.

The next thing I know, he has a rabbit in his hands showing Miriam.
Miriam wants to touch its eyes of course, but we direct her to the
fluffy parts. So, Miriam has now touched her first rabbit, not
including the one Grandma gave her for Easter.

Another exchange occurred last night before bed.

Miriam: (tugging at my shirt, presumably wanting food)
Joe: (in his Miriam voice) Come on--this store's open for business...
and the customer is always right.

And last week while I was holding Miriam, Joe took out my old penny
whistle. The moment he made a few random notes from the whistle,
Miriam's binky came spilling out of her mouth as she stared,
slack-jawed at Daddy, at which point, we both busted up laughing.

In other Miriam news, while in Australia the fuzz on her head (some
day we'll call it hair) got just a little longer and she got a little
bigger. She also learned to sit reliably without help. She had been
threatening to crawl for a month or two, but now she's got the
left-right coordination down and is crawling all over the apartment.
As if that weren't enough, while in San Antonio at the end of May, her
two bottom teeth magically appeared. Now with the crawling and the
teeth, she's got the makings of mischief--a pair of headphones were
the first casualty.

Before Australia she had just begun sleeping through the night, but
alas, it's never happened since. It doesn't help that she's still in
our room because Grandpa's got the second bedroom. We love having him
but we're just now starting to look forward to a change in Miriam's
sleeping arrangements. In the meantime, I think the more solid food I
can give her in the evening, the more she'll sleep. It's a bit
slow-going right now though.


  1. What a big girl! Dalton loves petting animals, too. There is a dog next door he loves and he met his first horse today. No rabbits yet, though!

  2. Who knew Joe was so funny. ;) Gunnar stayed in our room for an obscene amount of time too, like 7 months. I hated it. Good luck to you getting her to sleep through the night. Lily was about to as well around 4+ months, but then we went to TX for Christmas and she and Gunnar both never did until 9+ months. I had to let them cry it out one time and they both clicked and started to sleep all the way through. (Maybe Lily was 2 nights, I think)
