Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Miriam at 4.5 Months

Poor Miriam has a cold. Until the last few days she was beginning to make a breakthrough with her sleeping habits; A few times last weeks he almost slept all the way through the night from 10pm to 6am. I say"almost" because on each of those nights she woke up once but wentright back to sleep when I put a binky in her mouth. On those nights she went the whole night without eating though, so that constitutes a breakthrough considering that she most nights still eats twice.

As for my sleeping habits, I'm much more a night owl than I used to be. For example, Joe's dad has been staying with us for a while now and the other night he got home really late after a super long day of renovating houses. He walked in the door right after Joe and I had gone to bed. Joe had already fallen asleep and I decided to get up and say hi, mostly because I hate the thought of a man coming home to zero greeting. So, we chatted for fifteen minutes or so while he made himself some dinner. (Just as a side note, Dave has been a fairly easyhouse guest for the past two months. He's no trouble, buys a few groceries here and there, and loves baby Miriam. He keeps saying he'll be moving into his own place soon, but in any case, we all seem to be getting along rather well and time has flown.)

I sleep in until around 7:30 or 8 most days. Well, I mostly cat napafter Miriam eats at 4 or 5 and Joe gets up at 6. Miriam usually wakes up again somewhere in there too.


  1. Poor sick baby! I have one of those too.

  2. That's too bad Miriam's sick. My Miriam is sick as well, with this weird caugh that only hits her when she lies down, so naps and bedtime are difficult to achieve without lots of discomfort for her. :-(
    It sounds like your Miriam is close to sleeping through the night. Lucky you! I'm sure once she's over her cold she'll get back to her newfound habit of sleeping through the night. You're smart to just give her the binky back rather than picking her up or even feeding her. At this point she probably isn't hungry, anyway, she just needs a little bit of comfort which the binky provides well it seems. Good job!
    Your mornings with waking up and catnapping sound like mine. I'm up at least three times between 3 and 7 a.m. (bathroom, John's alarm clock, and Miriam's waking up). It's not ideal at all, especially since I usually get to bed around midnight. I hope you can start getting a full-night's rest soon, though. For me, I'm just getting prepped for having a newborn in a few months, I guess. :-)

  3. I'm glad to hear that Dad isn't too much trouble. You are a saint to have him stay with a newborn and all. How thoughtful of you to get up to say hello. You are so considerate. Sleeping is rough...the least favorite thing about infants. Maybe one day I will have a baby that sleeps through the night a 6 weeks like some of the stories I have heard. Until then...a year of interrupted and lousy sleep. Good job getting through it.
