Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Let the Fun Begin!

Miriam is becoming an active baby. Joe had to wrestle her in church last Sunday while I was up on the stand leading the music. She's also developing an obsession with practicing standing up on my lap. I've now started putting her into her Jolly Jumper--some people call it a Johnny Jump Up--the contraption that hangs in a doorway and the baby jumps up and down in it. Well, Miriam isn't quite jumping yet, but she seems to like to wiggle in it or shuffle herself around to face one direction or the other.

All this exercise must be developing her gluteus maximus *smiles* because she has also moved up in diaper sizes. Speaking of which... I left her on the floor for a few minutes after changing her diaper yesterday, and when I came back, she had rolled over onto her tummy and was doing a pretty decent-looking baby push-up! She's never rolled over on a flat surface before, so this was a first.


  1. It is exciting when they learn new things. Get ready because now that she is mobile she will be moving all over the place in no time!!

  2. I can't believe I have never been able to see mini Joe. Don't let her grow up before I lay eyes on her! Lily LOVED her JOhnny jump up and Gunnar bawled every time we tried putting him in there. I loved watching lily in it, it is so fun to see them active and discover their world. I'm very impressed with Mir and her skills.

  3. Wow. She's advance, and I'm not just saying that. Sounds like a fun baby!

  4. And by "advance", I mean "advanced". Of course.
