Friday, May 22, 2009


The 20 week ultrasound revealed that IT'S A GIRL! I'll post her little portrait soon, but for now, here's the long-awaited picture of my growing self: I've gained 9 lbs so far (which I'm told is about right), and according to the ultrasound, 12 oz. of that belong to the baby (but don't ask me how that was calculated).

When I called to tell Joe's mom the news, she asked if we had to stock up on "ribbons or band-aids?" This was somewhat reminiscent of Joe's call to announce our engagement; He was calling to answer her previous question of which picture to use in the family Christmas letter, "the one with or without Louise?".


  1. Yes! Congratulations on having a girl, you'll have so much fun! Seriously, girls are awesome! I can't wait to go shopping for her! Now, though, you need to come up with a name, so keep me posted when you have narrowed it down to a few. Or, are you going to not tell anyone until she's born? I'm really excited for you and Joe! Love ya & miss ya a LOT! You have a cute little belly, BTW.

  2. Hooray for a girl!!! You are going to love it! That seems so perfect for your family for some reason. I'm so happy for you.

    Sorry I haven't checked your blog in a while, I've been getting a good dose of Louise while catching up. It is so refreshing.
